Wednesday 12 October 2011

New Bulls Entrance Signs

The NEW  Bulls entrance signs have been up for a few weeks now, I hope you have all noticed. How ever if not keep a look out, I want to know what you think. We are running a poll so please have a vote and leave a comment if you have any suggestions. 


  1. townlikenoudder.blogspot.com12 October 2011 at 21:20

    Please Tell us what you think! to leave a post write it then selet profile pick name or anonymous.
    Just put in your name if you want that is all and post comment.

  2. I had a teen tell me the other day that the new sign was dumb because it was just a rubbish bin. I had to explain what that it was actually a milk can and the Bulls rubbish bins were just replicas of that. At least everyone recognises a bull.

  3. The Northern and southern signs should be moved the new sign just looks like another ad sign and gets lost the sothern one should go closer to the bridge and the northern one closer to bulls maybe where it turns 50km near the vet.

  4. I like the picture of the Bull. (Memorable and easy to understand) I also like a combination of the wording... "Welcome to Bulls , a town like no Udder"
